5.6. The Top MenuΒΆ

OnTask assumes that you will be working with one workflow. The first screen (the one that appears when you log in or when you click in the Workflows link in the top menu) shows you the workflows available. To start working with one of them you have to Open it. Once you open a workflow, the top menu appears as shown in the following figure.


The menu contains the following links:

Link back to the home page showing the workflows available for manipulation.
Create, edit and execute actions.
Operations to visualize and manipulate the table (search for values, add a row, add a column)

Additional operations to view:

Workflow operations
This page contains links to export, rename, clone, flush the data, or delete the workflow. It also allows you to manipulat a set of attributes, and add users to share the workflow.
Column operations
This page shows information about the columns in the workflow.
Scheduled actions
Shows which actions have been scheduled for execution.
View logs
A table showing the history of operations performed on this workflow
User profile
Link to the user profile and logout
Link to the OnTask manual (this document)